After some dawdling at Farm and Fleet in Baraboo to purchase the wrong flea and tick topical treatment for my dog, which we only found out about AFTER we returned home...we passed the turnoff for Devil's Lake State Park and feeling a bit forlorn, I shouted, "We're here, we're GOING!" As if my friend were opposed!? March 21 was a wonderful day, not only was the weather perfect for a spring hike, but Jack got to come too! I was amazed. The West Coast and all of its mountains and coastline sometimes seem so attractive, but when I entered Devil's Lake I was surprised for some reason. You kind of expect this type of raw beauty from places like Oregon, California or Colorado, but Wisconsin? No way, we just have cows and farm fields separated by kettle moraines and drumlins, and an occasional river. Not glorious boulders deposited on the edge of an ancient riverbed a million billion years ago! (get the real story on how the lake was formed,
here) So ha! You states with your snow capped mountains and salty ocean breezes, we had the Wisconsin Glacier, which was humongous, really really old and had gargantuan bolders frozen in it!

lol, you got wrong medication for your dog. I hope you get correct one next time, poor dog. Nice article though about the Devil's lake.