Hey hey all! Ready to give you another dose. Since I last wrote I have been up to much mayhem, madness and a ridiculous amount of painting! I moved into a different house on the great Emandal Farm called the Vineyard house. which I was in charge of painting, not the exterior however, I really don't think it would have had a chance to dry anyway. It's been raining quite a lot...with some beautiful sunshine in between. Here are some photos of the changes! Oh and that is our lovely ancient cat Lady Scruffington (5th picture down she's black and white), or as we call her "Scruffles" she is approximately a million years old and has a gimpy leg, so we love her and feed her treats. In turn she yowls, attacks our doormat and makes us laugh. Us being me and my awesome roommate Karin!!
The after shots are the red and gold living room, the green and cream bathroom and the green cream and red porch, the hallway is gold now too! Hopefully they are an improvement!
The brown cow belongs to a friend of the farm, she and her friends followed me home one day thought I made it clear I had no food for them. Then they proceeded to drop land mines all around our cars... turds! (literally)
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